Time to Know How Toll Management System Solutions Work
Over time, toll collection systems have improved in effectiveness and intelligence. Not only do these systems lessen the need for physical installations on highways, but they also treat data as an asset and use it to improve the security and efficiency of cashless tolls.
Since the collected revenue can be used to pay for highway development and maintenance, toll collecting is a crucial part of highway operations. Electronic toll collection, which uses various detection and payment technologies to make collection efficient and quicker, has increasingly replaced human toll collection.
Why you should use it
● Since the customer only pays for what they consume, this is a highly just manner of refinancing. In addition, the expert added that you frequently notice a shift in favour of public transit or carpooling, which helps reduce traffic and emission levels.
● Lower toll collector operational costs.
● Improved capacity to connect other services to the tolling system.
● There is less chance of revenue "leakage," which is frequently seen in manual tolls, especially cash-based ones.
● Implementing flexible pricing based on traffic volumes is possible to change traffic patterns and ease congestion.
● The capacity to collect and analyse toll data to better understand traffic patterns and locate crash hotspots, resulting in fewer accidents and safer roads.
● The capacity to integrate road tolling and revenue collection with additional, intelligent transportation solutions, such as congestion control, weigh-in-motion (WIM) for large vehicles, and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2X). Through the smart tolling network, several Asian nations have even set up an early warning system for natural disasters.
Selecting a system
Whatever the toll solution, there are common necessities that may be divided into two categories, including hardware and software. The solution should be dependable and robust for both. Since there is no universally applicable tolling solution, the method adopted will depend on whether tolls will be applied to all vehicles or just a certain segment, such as heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).
For high-quality security and surveillance solutions, automated and electronic barrier installations, electronic toll collecting installation, and more, contact SRTEC Automation. You can get unique designs and product manufacture, as well as top-notch quality assurance and support, to meet every single client requirement. Long-range RFID systems, pay parking systems, parking guidance systems, wireless parking systems, tyre killers, and other items are among the wide variety of products we offer.